E-Volve cluster

1. February 2019 / BY / IN Selfie

The SELFIE project is part of the E-VOLVE cluster because mainstreaming EV requires advances in many areas and involves different technologies, components and combination of thereof. The E-VOLVE cluster aims to deliver…


Project Kick-off

8. January 2019 / BY / IN Selfie

The Kick-off meeting for SELFIE-project took place on 5th and 6th December 2018, at ICAB Business & Technology Incubator, Brussels. The general assembly was hosted by the project coordinator, VUB and was…


SELFIE project started!

2. January 2019 / BY / IN Selfie

SELFIE (SELF-sustained and Smart Battery Thermal Management SolutIon for Battery Electric Vehicles)is a European Innovation project funded by H2020 under the topic LC-GV-01-2018: Integrated, brand-independent architectures, components and systems for next generation…